We have been back from our trip to CA for two weeks now. It was such a sweet time with our dear friends. The kids played so hard. Who could blame them? The weather was perfect for bike and skateboard riding, picnics, neighborhood wars, playground,
and even roasting marshmallows. We also spent an afternoon at the beach for riding waves and feasting...oh, and to celebrate
the dads. We were given travel authorization to take sweet M (foster daughter) with us. What a blessing for our friends to meet this baby girl! Our first day there, we learned that the results from court that day were that she be placed with her grandparents. It was a sad time for us. We've known that she would someday go to family. Just didn't expect so soon. We thank the Lord she was with us in CA so that we could spend a week loving on her and celebrating the time we have had with her. Her grandparents came and got her the day after we returned from our trip. The Lord is good. He has given us much grace. We miss her. We love her. We are thankful that she has family loving her and providing for her.