Monday, November 21, 2011


Okay. If you are reading this and you are not a dog person, then you might want to stop.  This post is strictly dedicated to highlight the canines in our life, Spurgeon and Gabby.  We are a few weeks shy of the one year anniversary of "the prince of preachers" induction into our family.  Spurgeon will be 10 yrs. old (human years) in February and still has a lot of spunk left in him.  He likes to chase and nip at the vacuum when I am cleaning the floors.  He willingly entertains Gabby when she wants to play. He lets Baby Joe hug, pull, and squeeze him (Baby Joe is his fifth baby).  He loves a good belly rub, too.  We like to call him "high class" sometimes. Once I was handing him a treat and I accidentally dropped it on the floor.  He looked up at me as if to say "are you going to get that", which I did.  Spurgeon is a good doggie, and I love it when he looks up at me with his sweet eyes! We are glad he is with us. Actually, when I met Spurg seven years ago, I thought it would be great to have a dog like him!  Gabby is almost 3 yrs old and settling down some.  She is still real jittery to strange sounds and guests, and she despises thunderstorms.  (Both dogs ended up under our bed during a recent storm).  Gabby loves attention from anyone.  She will even roll over for Baby Joe to get a belly rub.  She should have been a circus dog because she can walk on her hind legs for quite sometime.  Those that see her jump up for the first time are usually amazed, too.  Hidden talent here in NC, folks.

                           Gabby in mid air

                    The coveted pink bed.  Unfortunately, my washing machine destroyed it.

                   Mister high class

              Sweet eyes!

         New, identical beds.


  1. Thanks for posting on the dogs. We love seeing pictures of them! Give Spurge a big hug and a kiss from us!
