My youngest loves water. He looks at the sky and tries to convince me it is water. He likes to drink water, play in water, throw water, and see all types of water. In the boys room, there is a poster of jets landing on an aircraft carrier. Baby Joe doesn't notice the planes. He sees the water (ocean) first. This will be a fun summer at the beach. I imagine lots of wave chasing. Here, he is thrilled to help his daddy water the garden. Very intense in his work.
My oldest likes to spend time outside training to be a Ninja. I think this is inspired by the Legos he has been creating lately. Baseball starts for him tomorrow night. The coach has him at first base; a position that requires a lot of focus. This will be good for him, and his mother. I will learn (hopefully) to let the coach do the coaching. We look forward to cheering him and his team on as a family. I am thinking lots of picnics at the ball field for the next two months. Here are some training shots, for being a Ninja not baseball.
To little Joe's defense, he is in mid sentence, thus the strange expression.
It's fun to watch them grow!