Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My days are full. But full of good things. The day begins early with my sweet husband bringing me a cup of coffee to get me going. My time of reading and prayer is mingled with the sound of little ones waking. The two youngest are jabbering back and forth. I imagine they are planning out their day. Who is going to dump the megablocks out first? What is for breakfast? Why have they not come and gotten us yet? The oldest snoozes away savoring his sleep. Then it starts. Cooking, feeding, wiping, changing, wiping, washing, teaching, sweeping, wiping, correcting, folding, washing, teaching, correcting....and so on. I have complained in my heart at the work, and I am sure my husband and children can attest to my grumbling. The Lord has been gracious to convict me of my sin and remind me of His purposes for me. This is what I was made for! My Creator has made me a wife and mother. He has ordained my days to be spent praising Him through the work that He has given me at home. What a privilege.

"A mother builds something far more magnificent than any cathedral-the dwelling place for an immortal soul (both the child's fleshly tabernacle and his earthly abode). No professional pursuit so uniquely combines the most menial tasks with the most meaningful opportunities." Dorothy Patterson