Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gabby, Oh, Gabby

Ok, this is like my 4th post today. I am catching up and we are headed out of town soon for two weeks that's why the flood of posts. Anyway, I have to blog about a scene I came home to after church Sunday. I only wish I had a picture to go along. We normally do not keep collars on our dogs. I think it is more comfortable that way and because Gabby ends up chewing on her rabies tag. Don't ask. She has issues. Well, last week we went to visit family for a night. We put the collars on the dogs so that we could easily leash them up for escorted bathroom breaks. When we returned, I just left them on. It wasn't that I was forgetful. I just never gave my attention to removing them. Well, along comes Gabby. We stayed at church longer for lunch Sunday and didn't return home until around 2pm. Upon entering the kitchen, I see Gabby in her bed chewing on Spurgeon's collar. But where is Spurgeon! I realize at the moment that she has chewed the collar off of his neck, and I am wondering if his neck is still intact. I think I even blurted out "Is he dead?" and scaring my eldest son. Once I turn the corner I see he is alive and well in his bed. How did this go down? I have no idea. Was there a fight? Did Spurgeon try to avoid Gabby's fangs? Or, did he willing lay there so that she would remove the collar since I had neglected to do so earlier? No one knows. But I am happy to report he has a new collar. Let's see how long this lasts.

We are off Sunday for a two week vacation! Yes, we are taking the two dogs with us!


  1. Have a delightful time!

    Our kitties are collarless as well. Thankfully no chewing off has led us to that state. The bells on their collars were incessantly ringing at night due to their crazy levels of energy in the evenings.

    Have fun!

  2. Yay for family vacations! Do have fun and enjoy your crazy little doggie and your normal little doggie. ;)

  3. I pray the Lord blesses and refreshes you during your time.
