Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Church Retreat

Berean Community Church had its 3rd annual retreat this past weekend.  It was a wonderful time.  We were thoroughly nourished by the teaching of God's word, worship through song, and fellowship with the saints.  Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures.  Maybe two.  I was too busy hanging out I guess.  Thankfully my family didn't get kicked out after the first night.  We went down a night early to set up.  Another couple joined us.  The wife let baby Joe play with her phone.  Seemed harmless.  He conveniently called 911 and hung up.  When the dispatcher returned the call, we assured her that it was an accident and we had let a 16 month old play with a cell phone.  The cops showed up anyway.  Fortunately, they did not bring the baby hand cuffs.  I hate that we took up their time, but it makes for a funny story.  Hopefully, this child will have no more trouble with the law!