Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Sunny Sunday Afternoon At the Beach

On a recent Sunday we loaded the van with kids, boards, kites, and a sense of humor.
The weather was beautiful and the waves fun.  We had a fun afternoon together making memories.

Friday, January 6, 2012

For Friends Far Away

                          Spurgeon did great for his Christmas photo shoot.
                          Gabby on the other hand.......
                          Love you, sweet Bugs!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Started back to school this morning after a loooonnnnngggg break. Trying to adjust to life with three kids, two under 18 months. Sweet girl M is our foster daughter and is 6 weeks old. She is such an easy baby for which I am most thankful. Baby Joe is very busy and in need of lots of parenting. Life is crazy right now but beautiful. I have been encouraged lately by a book given to me by a dear sister in Christ. Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic is a short read from a mom who is seeking to be faithful amidst the chaos that can arise in a home filled with precious kiddos. I have laughed and been convicted in my own parenting. Praying you all have a happy, heaven minded new year.